We work the olives with ancient passion

How to join


Agricultural Co-Op in Tuscany founded in 1984 with 300 partners, Farmers and Producers in Campagnatico (GR)

What we offer

Our services

Our quality procedures begin with our partners and continue in our modern factory where complex production procedures are followed. Once all of the phases have been completed, the oil is stored according to IGP types, Italian and Biological.

the Factory

The oil factory Aldobandeschi belonging to the social agricultural co-op is found in Campagnatico, Grosseto.

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The processing

All of our equipment is state of the art thus allowing us to work efficiently and with integrity paying particular attention to environmental issues

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The Equipment

Our quality procedures begin with our partners and continue in our modern factory where complex production procedures are followed.

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What we offer

Our Skills


Annual Production
1200 Q.LI

Stored Commodity
400 Q.LI

Hourly production
25 Q.LI/h

Annual energy saving
On 35% of production need


The oil from Aldobrandeschi Oil mill derives from olives cultivated by our partners in the Campagnatico region. The oil from Aldobrandeschi Oil mill derives from olives cultivated by our partners in the Campagnatico region. Only a small portion (10%) come from bordering areas (Grosseto, Cinigiano e Scansano). The predominant types are Frantoio, Correggiolo, Moraiolo and Leccino, which are typical of our area. Then, in lesser quantites we also have Maurino, Leccio del corno, Pendolino.

Fiordolio Biologico

Fiordolio Classico

Fiordolio Selezione

Fiordolio IGP Toscano

Come visit


The Oil mill is open both during the olive oil campaign and outside. You can come and visit us at the following times

WINTER OPENING HOURS Monday – Friday 9.00 – 13.00 15.00 – 18.00 Saturday – Sunday On appointment

OIL FARM OPENING HOURS Monday – Sunday 8.00 – 19.00 Open all day

SUMMER OPENING HOURS Monday – Friday 9.00 – 13.00 16.00 – 19.00 Saturday – Sunday On Appointment


About us

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Contact us to request information

Contact us to request information Remember that on the pages of the site you can find all the information and above all the forms you need to become a member